Coaching Packages
4 focused 1:1 coaching sessions (60 minutes each)
One free discovery call
Ongoing support between calls as needed
Results you can expect:
Understand your values and what makes you strong
Cultivate meaningful recovery habits
6 focused 1:1 coaching sessions (60 minutes each)
One free discovery call
Ongoing support between calls as needed
Results you can expect:
Start to feel empowered in spite of your physical circumstance
Improve awareness for emotional and physical stressors
12 focused 1:1 coaching sessions (60 minutes each)
One free discovery call
Ongoing support between calls as needed
Results you can expect:
Positive outlook on your recovery process and beyond
Feel at ease and confident with your current physical capabilities
Sign up for coaching tips, updates, and freebies.
It’s going to happen, because I’m going to make it happen.
-Taylor Swift