Finding Beauty in Scars

A Journey to Self-Acceptance

If you've ever undergone surgery, or if you are preparing for one, there’s a good chance you’ll carry scars from it. Both physical and emotional. These marks tell the story of what you’ve been through and how each experience shapes the person you’re becoming. It’s unlikely to emerge from surgery without scars, but those scars don’t have to be something you hide.

When I reflect on my physical scars, I smile. They will always be part of me and serve as reminders of what has helped shape me into the resilient person I am today. Some scars even bring fond memories. For example, after a major surgery as a teenager, I had another corrective procedure in my mid-20s to further address a bone (femur) deformity. I was fortunate to return to the same surgeon who performed my initial correction.

During that consultation, after confirming I needed another surgery, the surgeon offered to cosmetically fix the scars left by my previous procedure. My scars -three small, round marks on my thigh- look like little bullet holes. Without hesitation, I declined. He seemed surprised, so I explained: these scars are my battle wounds, and I wear them with pride. He respected my choice. On the day of surgery, he offered again, and I couldn’t help but laugh as I once more politely declined.

Yes, my leg looks different from everyone else’s. It bears two prominent, slightly gnarly scars, along with many few smaller ones. But those scars make me uniquely me. They remind me of my strength, the challenges I’ve overcome, and the physical resilience I possess. My leg might not look “perfect,” but it has carried me through so much. It’s run countless soccer fields, hiked breathtaking mountains, held countless yoga poses, and walked me through every single day of my life. That is something to celebrate.

My physical scars also serve as tangible reminders of the emotional scars I carry—markers of survival and growth. How amazing is it that scars, whether seen or unseen, tell such powerful stories? They are nature's tattoos, each one unique to its owner, each a timestamp of a significant chapter in life.

So, to anyone reading this: be proud of your scars. They’re proof of what you’ve endured and how far you’ve come. They’re your story written in your own skin, and will always be a testament to your strength and individuality.

Wear them proudly.


Seven Surgeries Later


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